Thursday, December 8, 2011

                               Not for Long! By Desmond
       It was a beautiful fall day and Super Guy (with the super power to have super ninja skills,  super speed,and also if he flips around you,you turn super nice) was watching the earth with his super speed. For now the earth is safe, but 24 hours Super Guy doesn't know that world will be in danger. Thief Man is coming to earth. Thief Man Has the power to touch a super hero and lose their powers!  Back in the world Super Guy is tired . Then he speeds back down to earth. Some kids see him and go tell their parents about Super Guy coming down. All of them were very mad but, now they did not care about that  they heard loud loud noises Super Guy heard them too. So, he speeds back up to see what is going on. When he got there he sees what is going on. Thief Man is trying to steal the world! Thief Man does not see him. So, Thief Man takes his his super arms out, but Super Guy goes in the back way  and flips around him 1... 2...3... he  lost his powers! Then he turned super nice!!!!
                                                        THE END!!!!!!!


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